After a two short months of patience and supplementing with our hemp oil tincture (one drop each bunny daily) we have acceptance with these adult neutered males.
The grey one was our newest member he was rescued from a kill shelter. Being the odd man out, Hemp especially helped him by reducing his anxiety which allowed his confidence to grow. Each day we observed less hiding, less scuffles, with more interacting amongst the three. Then it happened. The day we can happily say, they finally became the three musketeers.
If you are having difficulty bonding your pair or group of bunnies, try our full spectrum hemp tincture, a natural way to calm down attitudes so the transition time is less stressful.
"Hemp has been our go to with our companion animals over the past 7 years for a multitude of reasons or ailments. We can confidently attest to Hemps remarkable healing properties both physically and mentally!