With Autumn comes the brilliant hues of Gold and Orange, along with the nutritious food of pumpkin! Lovely organic pumpkin mashed up or pureed is a treat well looked for by the small animal companion, dogs love it too!
What a wonderful way to serve up their Green Mush and or Hemp CBD tincture!
If you can't go fresh, we love Farmer's Market Certified Organic Pumpkin in the can!
Always organic pumpkin, never the pie mix!
Loaded with antioxidant beta-carotene, Pumpkin is a wonderful source of Vitamin A!
To include Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron. Pumpkin also helps with digestive disorders such as diarrhea as it absorbs the excess water firming up the stool. Pumpkin easy to digest as it's low in starch and sugar but high in fiber to help with constipation. Tastes yummy too!